Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Gavin was feeding the baby gazelles and a wallaby stolen gourds that are not part of their dietary needs. It was not appreciated by animal farm staff. Gavin flashed a huge smile, blinked his long lashes, threw "said gourd' in cage, and took off running, all while mom stood by snapping photos. "Whose kids is that? They should stop him."

Gavin wanted to climb all th pumpkins, rather then pick one out

McKenna and I took a little rest and a rock in a big cozy chair

Gavin was most wanted at the patch for feeding animals "things" other then food.

Gavin was finally apprehended, and Mommy served his sentence with him.
McKenna is always up for a photo
Gavin was more interested with making his gourd a sword
Then Gavin was just annoyed, and putting up with Mom's photos
McQ was the cutest pumpkin in the patch. She had many takers at the low low price, but we decided to keep her.
"It's the great pumpkin patch Charlie Brown!"

Enjoying Fall

All this playing has tired me out!

Gavin is big enough to climb all over the park now!

It was a squeeze, but Gav was nice enough to give sis a ride.

Swinging in his Bear's colors before the big game.

We were out at the park trying to enjoy the "nicer" days of fall. It seems like both kids just had huge growth spurts, as they are both suddenly doing things they couldn't before. Who said they could grow?